Historic stones
Klypelyftsteinen — Pinch lift stones
A pair of stones that Sterke Nils lifted in the 1700s as a test of grip strength.
A pair of stones that Sterke Nils lifted in the 1700s as a test of grip strength.
The heaviest lifting stone in Japan, lifted by the strongest man of the Edo period.
An enormous stone said to have been lifted by 'the giant of Seljord' Sterke Nils.
A 398.5 kg stone lifted by an 18 year old circa 1889.
A heavy Norwegian stone carried by the fisherman Eidis Hansen.
A compilation of the heaviest lifting stones that we know of.
A large plinth sits next to a road awaiting its saddle stone to be balanced on top.
A Saxon boundary stone that was once lifted by Willie Carr, 'Hercules of the north'.