We’ve written about Sterke Nils before. The giant of Seljord supposedly lifted the 570kg (1257 lb) stone that is named after him. But he is also known for lifting two other stones in the mid 1700s known as klypelyftsteinen.
75kg Klypelyftstein
The first Klypelyftstein weighs just 75kg (165 lb), which seems a little light for a lifting stone.

That is until you translate klypelyftstein — literally ‘pinch grip stone’ in Norwegian. Meaning that these stones aren’t lifted like traditional lifting stones. Rather they’re used as a test of grip strength. Suddenly the weight seems a little more challenging.
The 75kg klypelyftstein is supposed to be lifted with one hand by gripping the ‘handle’ of the stone. Similar to plate-loaded pinch-grip training implements. One source suggests that being able to lift a klypelyftstein was a test of manhood.1
Unfortunately, it looks like the grip handle has been broken for a long time. And from the few images we have of this stone, it’s clearly an odd shape too. The balance will make what is already a tricky lift even harder.
The 75kg stone was placed at Sterke Nils’ yard at Dyrskun in 1999, where it still sits today. There have been small competitions involving the stone for people to take on the challenge. But it doesn’t look like any have taken place in several years. As far as we know, the stone is only available to lift during these competitions.

120kg Klypelyftstein
Unknown to most is a second, heavier klypelyftstein. This sister stone weighs 120kg (265 lb) — a sizable jump from its smaller sibling.

It’s a tall and (relatively) thin stone that is now set as a monument in a museum. Alongside it is a plaque says that the stone was lifted as a pinch lift in 1750.
Unlike its sister, this stone does not have a handle to grip, suggesting that the grip on this stone is more akin to gripping a bumper plate.
Since the stone is now part of a monument, it’s unfortunately not liftable.
Sadly we don’t know much more about the heavier sister stone. It’s likely that it has a relatively uneventful history, perhaps only ever being lifted by Sterke Nils himself.
75kg klypelyftstein location
The 75kg stone is located in Sterke Nils’ yard, Seljord, Norway.

The location is on our map.
120kg klypelyftstein location
The 120kg sister stone is located about a 20 minute drive away from the smaller stone, behind a house at the Kviteseid Bygdetun museum as a monument.

The location is on our map.
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