

On far west coast of Europe is a giant pillar of basalt weighing 281kg (619 lb) known as Brynjólfstak or “Brynjólf’s finger”.


Brynjólfstak has a simple yet difficult challenge. Break it off of the ground.

Achieving this is easier said than done. Brynjólfstak must first be stood up before the lifter can get a good hold on the stone. Once the 1.5m tall stone is standing, the lifter can hug the stone and stand tall, breaking the stone from the ground.

Stefán Sölvi Pétursson lifting Brynjólfstak in Fullsterkur
Stefán Sölvi Pétursson lifting Brynjólfstak in Fullsterkur


A farmer named Brynjólfur ‘the strong’ Eggertsson carried the stone from the sea to the stone’s current location in 1845. Brynjólfur got several men to load the stone onto his shoulders, then he walked with the stone for more than 50 meters to the stone’s current spot. The stone was then named in his honour.

No one has attempted Brynjólfur’s feat of strength since.

Another legends says that Brynjólfstak is the finger of Brynjólf - a great Icelandic giant.


Brynjólfstak sits on the coast of the western Fjords in Iceland. It is not far from the road-side.

Close to the stone is a sign that reads:

Brynjólfur sterki Eggertsson frá Sjöundá (1816-1872) bar steininn í burðarólum úr fjöru, líklega árið 1845. Steinninn er 281kg.


Brynjólfur ‘the strong’ Eggertsson from Sjöundá (1816-1872) carried the stone with straps from the shore around the year 1845. The stone is 281kg.

The location is on the map.

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Stonelifting: An Ancient Test of Strength Revived - Martin Jancsics and Dr. Bill Crawford

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